An End and a Beginning
I was not near any news source or computer for most of today, when one of my heroes ended his bid for the White House. After getting back to the office in the late afternoon, I got an IM from my friend asking if I was still for Edwards. "Of course," I wrote. I thought to myself, what's changed? And it occurred to me. It was possible, but I still held out some hope that maybe, no John Edwards had not decided to drop out of the presidential race.
But, there it was on the front page of The New York Times. His poverty talk in New Orleans, where he had started his bid for the 2008 Presidency was where he decided to end it.
I'll leave it to the media to spin this and to speculate how Edwards' supporters will go. For me, I have no idea who I'll be supporting now. Whichever choice it will be, it will certainly be historic.
But, his message about poverty will continue on I hope with the Final Two. The debates ahead will certainly not be the same. I feel sad and was a little angry too. Why couldn't he just hold out until at least the Super Tuesday races? Was he pressured by the DNC? Is there something else going on? Whatever the reason, I respect it, and I am thankful for the effect he has had at least on the discourse of the conversation surrounding the campaigns.
God Bless you John Edwards. Let's hope that this is the beginning of something more and better for the Democratic Party.
I got this in an email this morning, and I'm surprised that not more of the media is covering this. Edwards mentioned it last night during the final question. It's basically an endorsement from MLK III, whom Edwards met with prior to the debate.
You can read the letter at